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Our newspaper (reporter Lin Lishuang) yesterday, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the National Standards Committee, the National Energy Administration, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other departments in Beijing issued five new national standards for charging interface and communication agreement of electric vehicles. The new standards will be implemented on January 1, next year.
"DC charging pile", "AC charging pile", "220 volt voltage charging pile", "special voltage charging pile", "Tesla special", "SMART special"... Several major operators of domestic charging intelligent service platform have their own platforms, but they have not yet been unified. Tian Shihong, director of the National Standards Committee, said that after the national standards such as DC interface, control guidance circuit and communication protocol for electric vehicles were issued in China, China would be ranked as the world's four largest DC charging interface standards with the United States, Europe and Japan, which significantly enhanced China's influence in the field of international charging and switching. "The five standards have improved the security and compatibility of charging," Tian said. The new standards have systematically standardized charging interface and communication protocols, provided technical support for the quality assurance system of charging facilities, ensured the interconnection between electric vehicles and charging facilities, and avoided the disorderly development of the market. Charge "island".
According to reports, the five new national standards have been revised, which has comprehensively improved the security and compatibility of charging. In terms of compatibility, the form and structure of AC/DC charging interface are compatible with the original standard. The new standard modifies the dimensions of some contacts and mechanical locks, but the new and old plugs and sockets can cooperate with each other. The electronic locking devices added to the DC charging interface do not affect the electrical connection between the new and old products. Users only need to update the communication protocol version. In this way, the new power supply equipment and electric vehicle can guarantee the basic charging function.
Zheng Jiajie, deputy director of the State Energy Administration, said that next step, the State Energy Administration would speed up the construction of charging infrastructure, further standardize the access of charging infrastructure industry, and make meeting the new national standards as one of the conditions for market access of charging facilities. At the same time, we will carry out operational testing activities of charging facilities, develop information exchange standards of charging service platform, realize interconnection of charging settlement, and further improve the versatility and openness of the facilities.
In view of the existing electric vehicles and charging piles, how to reconstruct them to meet the new national standards, the relevant person in charge of the National Standards Committee said that one of the principles of standard revision is to ensure compatibility as far as possible. For charging interfaces, the old and new interfaces can be interconnected and charged; for communication protocols, there are certain incompatibilities between the old and new standards. There are products that need to be upgraded to achieve compatibility with the new standards.
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