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Company News
Today, JLQ Technology, a joint venture company, has been signed by JianGuang Assets, Liancheng Technology, Qualcomm and Zhilu Capital.
The joint venture will focus on the design, packaging, testing, customer support and sales of smartphone chipsets designed and sold in China and for the mass market.
The joint venture combines Qualcomm's advanced technology, scale and product portfolio with its unique R&D capabilities and deep resources in China's industry, JianGuang's good relationship with China's financial industry, and the global financial and industrial ecological chain resources of Zhilu Capital.
"For more than 30 years, Qualcomm has been a leading technology innovator in the mobile industry. We expect the joint venture to develop chipsets to meet the needs of China's 4G smartphone ecosystem," said Meng Pu, chairman of Qualcomm China.
JLQ Technology Co., Ltd. will be registered in Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province. The relevant cooperation matters must be approved by the relevant departments. It is expected that the joint venture company will be integrated later this year.

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