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The Producer Personality Series aims to explore the stories and corporate culture behind products by interviewing leading figures in the field of science and technology. This issue of Producer talks with Li Huaiyu, president of Chinese Culture Holding Group, co-founder of micro whale technology and CEO, to listen to this "non-professional" cross-border master and talk about his story with the product.               

"I feel a little like Linghu Chong."

In April 2015, as co-founder and CEO, Li Huaiyu founded micro-whale technology, focused on smart home, and launched micro-whale TV, micro-whale sound and micro-whale VR. On November 11, 2015, the sales of the 55-inch single product of micro whale TV exceeded 50 million in three minutes, becoming the first selling volume of the 55-inch single product. On April 25, 2016, micro whale technology held a conference in Beijing, formally announced the micro whale VR strategy, based on the content resources of Chinese culture to create a VR platform.
The road of entrepreneurship is full of wind and fire, and the harvest is quite rich. But this Post-70s entrepreneur is not an ordinary entrepreneur, but a real "cross-border master"
In 1996, Li Huaiyu graduated and worked in cable TV station, but he did not do TV or cable network, but did Internet access, and became the first generation to contribute to the promotion of the Internet.
In 2000, Li Huaiyu set up a special cable network company to promote broadband network in Shanghai.
In 2004, Li Huaiyu returned to the TV station to become a video website after completing the "road building on the Internet", and became a pioneering company of the first generation of video websites in China.
In 2005, the company launched IPTV services on the basis of video websites. As the general manager of the founding team, Li Huaiyu, with dozens of team members, after five years of hard work, made the company enter a high-speed profitability situation, and realized the stock listing in 2011. This company is Baishitong.
Perhaps accustomed to cross-border, accustomed to exploring new areas, Li Huaiyu joined the Chinese Cultural Fund in 2011, engaged in Internet and cultural industry investment.
Becoming an investor is the goal of many entrepreneurs, and can basically enter the "old-age model", but "uneasy" Li Huaiyu began to search for new areas, in 2014, the establishment of micro-whale technology, opened the journey of re-entrepreneurship.
From 1996 to 2016, Li Huaiyu, a "network engineer", was engaged in Internet promotion, exploring business models, forming content teams, operating Internet products, investing in the Internet and cultural industries. His 20-year career of "not doing business" made Li Huaiyu, a Post-70s entrepreneur, somewhat different.
"Sometimes I feel a little like Linghu Chong, and I feel that there are several genuine Qi in my body colliding with each other." Li Huaiyu said with a smile.
"I think the collision of information in various fields gives me some characteristics, which may be different from the general entrepreneurs, especially good at doing cross-border things, especially good at doing systematic thinking."

"Television will become an Internet terminal"

Li Huaiyu said that direction is more important than effort. Micro whale technology aims at smart home and focuses on home entertainment because it is the right direction.
The wave of mobile Internet has changed social life, mobile phones penetrate into people's consumption and entertainment environment, and even become an extension of human organs. But at the same time, there is a problem, that is, "a little bit of close apathy", a word circulated on the Internet, "The farthest distance you are from me is that you are looking at the mobile phone in front of me."
From the product level, Li Huaiyu believes that the core of the PC era and the mobile era is around the individual itself, but for the whole society, the family is still the core organizational unit. The concept of family entertainment has been cultivated for decades in the United States, but it is still relatively scarce in China. Therefore, Li Huaiyu judges that with the development of smart home and Internet, family-centered Internet consumption will become the next mainstream. The TV set with large screen experience and can be shared by the whole family will be the most suitable entertainment terminal for family sharing.
After deciding to make a big screen TV, Li Huaiyu found that there are some painful points in the current TV, such as the lack of excellent sound quality experience.
"For example, when we were doing"Good Voice in China", we used the most advanced recording equipment, all the microphone arrangement, and the tone behind these are the top. We make such a good live music effect, when it reaches the user's home, in fact, the user can not hear this very good quality of sound, "Li Huaiyu regretted to say.
There are two reasons for this pain point. On the one hand, in the transmission process, the original television broadcasting changed the sound format into a mono channel, and did not become stereo or even 6.1 channel upright sound.
On the other hand, the loudspeaker and sound system of TV is very weak. We are used to the very medium frequency and regular sound of news broadcasting, but the rich music performance is very poor.
Faced with these painful points, Li Huaiyu decided that microwhale technology should not only improve the hardware quality of TV, but also be a one-stop Entertainment Center for family, making TV an interactive terminal.
In addition to improving hardware quality, Li Huaiyu also pays close attention to user experience. The voice input of micro whale TV is a very important function. Bluetooth voice input can be carried out by remote control.
"Speech search programs / bullet curtains can be used, please fast in to 30:05, it can be directly fast in the past. You can even set an alarm clock at 6:00 a.m. Intelligent terminals." Li Huaiyu was very excited about his products.

"Young people, cool products"

Li Huaiyu often says, "Customer-centered, others will roll in." He believes that today's customers are quite different from before:
"Some families are a person and a dog is also a family, or a person is also a family, the concept of future family is more and more broad. Around such a young family, we need to provide more such equipment.
Li Huaiyu believes that micro whale technology needs to make some cool products to attract young consumers in the future. So Micro Whale Technologies launched a compact micro projector that supports automatic focus in one second and makes it an All in one product. When the projection is closed, it can be turned into a wireless speaker. When the projection is opened, it becomes an entertainment center for a very powerful family. After linking to WIFI, there are a lot of resources to watch. "We made a cool device that put 10,000 movies in a backpack." Li Huaiyu proudly said.
In addition to microcast, microwhale has also introduced microwhale VR. Users'feedback to previous VR devices on the market is easily dizzy. On the one hand, it is due to the display effect of the screen, but the display effect of the screen is related to the computing power of the chip/the delay supported by the screen itself/the speed of software processing. On the other hand, when recording VR content, asynchronism or poor stitching can also cause vertigo.
Li Huaiyu said that in order to solve these two problems, micro whale technology uses high-quality screens and optimization algorithms to improve the camera's level and other methods, so that the delay of VR helmet is less than 20 mm.
At the same time, micro whale technology is also working in the direction of self-made content, through the investment of video cameras, VR short film "Polar". In the harsh conditions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, 24-screen VR cameras were used to record the scene at that time.
However, the current VR technology is still difficult to produce high quality content, so micro whale technology will focus on live broadcasting. For example, in the field of sports live broadcasting, through the combination of VR technology and social technology, the audience can be on the spot, and at the same time, they can interact with friends on the Internet at any time through voice barrage. Li Huaiyu said that in the future, he hopes to achieve live broadcasting in Zhou Zhou Dynasty.

"As a Post-70s generation, I think every day about what they like after 00."

As a typical post-70s, Li Huaiyu says he is not under too much pressure to make products for post-90s, post-95s or even post-00s, because he has ways to "penetrate" young people, such as B station, and Post-70s entrepreneurs who visit B station may not be many, Li Huaiyu is one of them. He saw two years ago that Station B has become the most active place for the new generation of Internet aborigines in China, and has become a shareholder of Station B through investment.
Through observation and experience, he believes that the tastes and pursuits of young people today are obviously different from those of the previous generation. They pursue characteristics and have very high requirements for content and quality. As a product, we must have an insight into this demand. For example, "I Repaired Cultural Relics in the Palace Museum" is very popular at Station B. Micro whale technology invested in the big film "I Repaired Cultural Relics in the Palace Museum" to show that micro whale technology has come together with the post-00s.
"So I think in the future we will go deeper into the life of the post-00s. To dig out the contents of this international model, local culture, innovation, and cool, which are closer to their lives, and at the same time, to constantly improve our current intelligent products, to integrate these things into their lives, so that they can realize that the products we make are not for dinosaurs to see. It's not for the people of the 1970s, but for the young generation of consumers.

"I've entered a very happy cycle."

As the father of the post-70s, Li Huaiyu's daughter is just after 00. He will take some products of micro whale technology to his daughter for "appraisal", which is a kind of "reward" for him to be recognized by his daughter.
"I think we are now entering a cycle of making ourselves happier. We are pursuing to make the best products, to make cool things for young people, to serve my family and my daughter. They give me some feedback and encouragement, and make me feel that this thing is getting closer and closer to the best. The realm of beauty. So I also enjoy this entrepreneurial process, because it is not to prove what, in order to make money, but really to make good products to make more people happy, to make my family happy, to make young people feel cool, this is the most important experience.
For Li Huaiyu personally, he has made products for many years, and finally has a platform that can contact users directly. His products can be recognized by users and make him more enthusiastic to do the ultimate products. Facing the future, he hopes to turn his accumulated years in the field of Internet into a real evergreen service in the basic industry.
